Dr. Bryan Lynch
Professor Emeritus/Chemistry
Room 323, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Lynch's Personal Website
- Laser Spectroscopy of Small Molecules
- Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- B.S. – University of Pittsburgh
- PhD – University of Pittsburgh
- Postdoctoral – Cornell University
Research Interests
We are studying the structure of electronic excited states of small molecules in the gas phase using a nitrogen-pumped dye laser. We are using the double resonance technique where we first pump the molecule to a low-lying excited state with the dye laser; we then excite to higher lying states with a small portion of the initial nitrogen pulse. Presently we are probing the vibrational levels of ion-pair states and using Franck-Condon calculations to assign the various transitions we observe. In the future we would like to study molecular Rydberg states in which the electronic structure of a molecule mimics that of a hydrogenic (single-electron) atom. We have also begun to study weak intermolecular attractive forces in small, organic molecules that give rise to short-range ordering and cluster formation in the solid state.
Selected Publications
Lynch, W.B.; Bechtel, H.A.; Steeves, A.H.; Curley, J.J; Field, R.W. “Observation of the Ã1A″ State of Isocyanogen”, J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 126, 244307.
Wood, R.M.; Stucker, D.M.; Jones, L.M.; Lynch, W.B.; Misra, S.K.; Freed, J.H. “An EPR Study of Some Highly Distorted Tetrahedral Manganese(II) Complexes at High Magnetic Fields”, Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 5384-5388.
Lynch, W.B.; Earle, K.A.; Freed, J.H. ”1-mm Wave ESR Spectrometer”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1988, 59, 1345-1351.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 327, Koch Center for Engineering and Science